Boosting Self-Esteem

Boosting Self-Esteem

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson's words are an inspiring reminder the importance of knowing your own worth. According to Psychology Today, healthy self-esteem is "a realistic, appreciative opinion of oneself."

Boosting your sense of worth can have a positive impact in almost every area of your life. Take the first step towards feeling good about yourself by using some of the tips below.

  1. Challenge your thinking patterns. Sometimes, your thoughts can be misleading. Long-held negative beliefs about yourself, jumping to conclusions, or mistaking feelings for facts can contribute to low self-esteem. Pay attention to these thought patterns and try to understand why you might experience them.

  2. Practice self-compassion. Mistakes happen, and it can be tempting to self-criticize over perceived flaws. Be kind to yourself if you make a mistake and try replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

  3. Identify your strengths and develop them. It can be easier to see weaknesses rather than strengths at times. Recognize what makes you unique and hone your talents. When you become skilled in something that corresponds with your strengths, you can increase your sense of confidence.

  4. Recognize your accomplishments. Remind yourself of reasons to love you by making a list of your accomplishments. As your list grows, you’ll start to see that not only have you accomplished some impressive feats, but you are capable of even more.

  5. Invest in your wellbeing. Your self-esteem, health and overall wellbeing are all closely connected. Taking time to engage in self-care, practice healthy habits and focus on mental health hygiene can pay off in the long run.

Challenging internalized beliefs and disrupting negative thoughts can be challenging. Reach out to your mental health provider or employee assistance program for additional guidance and support.

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