Self-Confidence Writing Prompts

Self-Confidence Writing Prompts

Whether you’re having a fantastic day or a difficult one, a boost of confidence can lift your spirits and improve your self-image. Journaling is one of the easiest methods of self-care, so take a few moments to reflect on what gives you confidence and what makes you unique with a few of the prompts below.

  1. Describe a moment you felt the most confident.

  2. List three to five favorite attributes about yourself.

  3. What is one of your recent accomplishments, and why are you proud of it?

  4. Visualize yourself in 10 years. What kind of person do you want to be?

  5. List three to five activities that boost your self-esteem. Why do these help you, and how can you engage in them more often?

  6. What are you most grateful for today, this month and/or this year?

  7. Make a list of ten compliments to tell yourself.

  8. Write a thank you note to yourself acknowledging good deeds and successes.

  9. How would your best friend or loved one describe you?

  10. Reflect on role models who you view to be confident. What traits do they possess? Do they have any habits you can emulate?

You can try writing, recording or typing answers to one or more of these prompts whenever you have a moment. You will likely see your mood and sense of worth improve over time as you journal.

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