

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), one in five people is affected by a mental health concern each year. For too many, a combination of stigma and lack of accessible care leaves people feeling like they don’t have anywhere to turn for help.

Mental Health Awareness Month in May is an excellent opportunity to encourage discussions about emotional wellbeing and increase support for anyone in need.

The One in Five Campaign offers a wide variety of resources designed to make it easier to talk about mental health, including:

  • About Section. Find mental health statistics that demonstrate how common mental health concerns really are. Plus, learn the difference between mental health myths and truths to help break down stigma-creating barriers.

  • Start the Conversation. Discover a wealth of resources in this section, including a short flash course for guidance, actual conversation starters you can begin to use and helpful hotlines to share with others.

  • Helpful Resources. Explore mental health podcasts, apps, organizations, tip sheets and additional toolkits covering a wide range of emotional wellbeing topics.

Visit www.1in5.info today and help build #SupportNotStigma.

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