Take a Break!

I know it’s easier said than done to put your phone down and give yourself a little “me time” throughout the day. We live in a world where we are now constantly drawn to what’s happening online; connecting with people on social media, in the news, everything seems to be on there. But not going offline not only hurts your precious eyeballs after a while, but it can also affect your productivity, mood, and overall health. Luckily, we have put together a little guide to make taking breaks seem more realistic to incorporate into your daily routine.

When you take a break, what does that look like? Well, it should look like whatever you are interested in. “Me Time” is called that because it’s all about you and what makes you feel will soothe or relax you. You don’t need to do what anyone else does if that isn’t something that works for you.

An important part of taking breaks, is to also take breaks from looking at screens. It’s hard on your eyes to stare at screens all day, and it will also affect your health, sleep and productivity. Unplugging allows you to relax, refresh and recharge!

Some possible unplugged activities include:

·        Stretch

·        Light some candles and take a nice, luxurious bath

·        Play music

·        Go on a walk

·        Read a book (a real one, not an e-book!)

·        Take a nap

·        Daydream

Once you start to take these breaks, research shows it will improve your sleep hygiene, vision, and can improve your overall mood! Do a trial run—go a few days or a work week with these breaks sprinkled throughout the day and see how you feel. Once you’ve gotten into the habit of taking time for yourself, who knows what you’ll be able to accomplish!

Podcasts to Boost Your Emotional Wellbeing

Podcasts to Boost Your Emotional Wellbeing

