How to Stay Consistent with Your Morning & Evening Routines

How to Stay Consistent with Your Morning & Evening Routines

Identify your why. What makes this important to you? How is your desired behavior connected to your values? For example, let’s say you want to mediate each morning. Maybe meditation connects back to a personal value of presence or peace. We are much more likely to stick to goals that are connected to our values.

Start small. Work up to your larger goals. If it feels unrealistic to meditate for 20 minutes each morning, start with 2 minutes. Remember, every small step counts. On days you have more time, enjoy a longer version of your routines. Create a shorter version of your routines for days that you have less time. 

Keep track.  Do you keep track of your daily habits? A habit scorecard is a great starting place. Write a list of the behaviors you are trying to form into habits. Each day you complete the behavior, give yourself a check mark. At the end of the week, look back and review your wins, challenges, and make adjustments.

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