Six Healthy Morning & Nighttime Routines

Six Healthy Morning & Nighttime Routines

In the morning:

  • Practice gratitude. Notice 3-5 things you are grateful for each morning. Keep it specific, personal, and savor the feeling of appreciation. Write in a journal for best results! This will create a positive ripple effect on the rest of your day and boost your mood. 

  • Set intentions. Align your focus to what matters most by setting intentions. What are the top 3 things you want to accomplish for the day?  How do you want to feel during the day? Write these down in a journal or planner to be crystal clear about the day ahead.

  • Fuel up. Don’t skip breakfast! Nourish you mind and body with a balanced breakfast. If you’re pressed for time in the morning, try a make-ahead breakfast recipe like the one included below.

In the evening:

  • Create a “wind down” period. Build relaxation into your evening routine. Try gentle stretching, light reading, or taking a hot bath. Choose whatever activities you find relaxing. Relaxing before bed makes it easier to fall asleep.

  • Do a brain dump. Does a racing mind keep you awake at night? Journal before bed. Reflect on what went well from the day. Jot down any “to-do” items for the next day. Give your thoughts a place to live on paper.

  • Limit screen time. Exposure to bright screens within 1-2 hours of going to bed can have negative effects on your sleep. Therefore, it is recommended to say no to late-night television and keep your phone plugged in and charging in a different room at night.

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