Healthy Snack Tips

Healthy Snack Tips

Snack time doesn’t always have to mean chips and cookies: Eating healthy snacks can be fun too! Did you know that consuming two to six cups of fruits and vegetables a day can boost your immune system and allow you to live a longer, healthier life? Read on to find out how healthy eating can improve your wellbeing and how snacking can be both nutritious and delicious. 

  • It boosts productivity. Did you know that snacks with antioxidants, protein and Vitamin B can offer great support for your brain? This can improve memory and concentration and can allow you to get tasks done quickly and effectively. For example, Greek yogurt is a great source of probiotics, protein and Vitamin B. Add in some berries for an extra boost of fiber and antioxidants. 

  • It improves your mood. Fruits and vegetables like oranges and broccoli are high in nutrients like B-12, magnesium and Vitamin C, which can help you feel more calm, happy and improve focus. Additionally, while snacks high in sugar will give you a temporary energy boost, they can cause you to crash and feel bloated and lethargic after. Fruits and veggies have been shown to improve brain function in the long-term! 

  • It regulates your appetite. Having healthy snacks in between meals can reduce the urge to consume sugary junk foods. Studies show that fruits and vegetables like pears, peas, apples and carrots are all high in fiber, which can satisfy your hunger and keep you full throughout the day. 

  • It helps maintain energy. Highly processed foods or foods with large amounts of carbohydrates can make you feel sluggish. Consider a high protein snack such as an apple with peanut butter or a protein bar rather than chips or crackers. Snacks with natural sugars and lots of vitamins and fiber will help you feel full and energized.  

  • It can lower the risk of disease. Studies show that those who have small snacks throughout the day have lower blood cholesterol than those who don’t snack. Eating large amounts of fiber and antioxidants can reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers. For example, sunflower seeds contain antioxidants, which help reduce tumor growth in both men and women. Mix in some pumpkin and poppy seeds for some variety! 

A good snack can help you find the extra energy you need to tackle the next part of your day. Be sure to include a healthy balance of fruits and vegetables, but don’t forget the fun foods either and enjoy your snacking!  

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