Have You Heard of Languishing?

Have You Heard of Languishing?

A lack of motivation, trouble with concentration, an overall feeling of “blah” or aimlessness…these are common aspects of an emotional state called “languishing”. You don’t have symptoms of mental illness - you aren’t depressed or anxious - but you aren’t the picture of mental health either. Languishing can be thought of as the absence of emotional wellbeing.

Languishing has long been identified in modern psychology but it has recently become a common topic in the media. Across the globe, millions of people are struggling with the emotional toll of the past 18 months. Stress is one of languishing’s most common causes, especially the type of long-term chronic stress that people have been experiencing since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you feel like one of the many who are no longer functioning at full capacity, the following self-care tips are recommended ways to help lift the mental “fog” of languishing:

  • Find Your Flow: “Flow” is the concept of becoming completely absorbed in a meaningful challenge, often to the point of losing track of time. A good book, complex puzzle, long run or swim, gardening, yoga or even an enjoyable work project can provide you with a sense of presence and exhilaration.

  • Pursue a Creative Outlet: Regularly activating your imagination has a calming effect on your brain and will help improve your ability to focus over time. Give yourself permission to try new activities - immerse yourself in a word game, attempt a new recipe, make a playlist for singing and dancing or spend some time writing, crafting or painting. Then lean into whichever pursuits bring you enjoyment.

  • Win “Small”: Setting and achieving simple goals can provide you with an emotional boost and greater sense of purpose. Cleaning up your computer files, decluttering a drawer, flossing your teeth or even running an errand can provide you with a sense of accomplishment and heighten your resolve for moving forward.

If you are making an effort but are still not regaining your former sense of motivation, your employee, member or student assistance program can be a great resource for additional support.

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