Family Matters: International Day of Families

When asked what the word ‘family’ means, your immediate answer would likely be your spouse, parents, children and/or extended relatives. Many of us would include dear friends and even treasured pets on the list. Whatever your definition, ‘family’ is one of the most important things in our lives.

In 1994, the United Nations began observing May 15th as the International Day of Families to show the ‘importance of families, people, societies and cultures around the world.’ Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many have experienced extra closeness to family as well as emphasis on separation due to social distancing, therefore this year’s celebration could not be timelier. Here are some reminders that spending time with your ‘family’ can make you a healthier person:

Relieving Stress – Family and friends are often used as an outlet to vent about issues at work, seek advice or make a connection when you are feeling lonely. These types of confiding relationships are one of the most common ways for someone to relieve stress and its negative mental and physical side-effects. Face-to-face contact has even been seen to help reduce your risk of depression and even anxiety. So, pick up the phone to call your parents, video message your siblings or start a group chat with some friends and feel your stress ease away!

Keeping Your Healthy (or Unhealthy) Habits In-Check – Like helping to relieve stress, spending quality, meaningful time with your family or close friends can help you start develop healthy habits or quit unhealthy ones. If the people closest to you exercise regularly, cook healthy meals, quit and/or don’t smoke, you are more likely to follow suit. You can also be a positive influence on those you love through the example of your own healthy habits.

Boosting Your Self-Confidence –  Family interactions can also help you increase your overall self-confidence. When that quality time you spend together leaves you feeling valued and loved, it can help show you your own self-worth, even when you may be feeling the opposite.

Live Longer – Did you know that studies have shown that people with stronger social ties, are more likely to live longer than those who don’t? It’s true! While the exact cause may not be known, these studies have shown that even people with unhealthy lifestyles still, on average, lived longer than those without significant social connections.

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