Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

Random acts of kindness are some of the most special forms of human connection. Doing something for another person without personal gain is not only good for us in feeling like we are better people, but more importantly, helps someone else who may have really needed something nice to happen to them.

Here are some ideas for random acts of kindness I encourage you to try today!

·        Leave love notes for your family around your house.

·        Go out to a local park and clear away some trash lying around.

·        Pay for someone behind you in line in a drive thru.

·        Surprise a friend with their favorite snack or beverage.

·        Send a text to someone you miss and ask them how they’re doing.

·        Leave some coins on a washing machine or on a parking meter.

·        Hold the door for someone.

·        Make cookies for a neighbor.

·        Tell your partner 3 things you love about them

These seemingly little acts can completely change someone’s day—and maybe even inspire them to go do a random act of kindness to someone else!

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