Stay Inside and Stay Active

Stay Inside and Stay Active

I’m sure we are all familiar with the feeling of defeat when another pile of snow falls outside. Luckily, here are four easy, in-home workouts that can bring the heat and keep your body happy and healthy until the blessed Spring arrives!


Begin your day with a relaxing morning meditation! Go online and find a free video or look up popular instructors and let them guide you into a calm and peaceful morning. No need for a mat—a carpet, towel, or rug will work just fine.

Take the Stairs

If you have a staircase at your disposal—honey, use it! Taking the stairs is a great and simple way to stay active this while inside this winter. If you can, try walking quickly or jogging up, then walk down and repeat. If you live in an apartment building, it’s worth a few odd stares (no pun intended).


Tired of boring old walking around? Try lunging to your destination instead! Start standing upright with your feet a few inches apart, take a step forward and lower your body as if you are going to sit down. Once your thighs are parallel to the floor, slowly straighten back up into a standing position.


If you’re more free-spirited and don’t enjoy working out in reps, no worries! Turn on a playlist full of upbeat tunes, pop in some headphones and get to groovin’! You can find multiple Zumba and other dance exercise classes online, or go off-book and create your own moves and follow your own rhythm!

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