De-stressing And Mindfulness Go Hand In Hand

De-stressing And Mindfulness Go Hand In Hand

The world is won by those who let it go.

-Lao Tzu

The concept of mindfulness originated in Buddhist thinking and meditation practice over two and a half thousand years ago. Its original purpose was to relieve suffering caused by the ways people typically responded to their experiences by shifting thoughts away from usual preoccupations and towards an appreciation of the moment. 

Today, the benefits of mindfulness — from stress reduction to relationship satisfaction to job performance to weight management — are numerous and well-documented. A regular mindful practice helps you become fully aware in the present moment and attuned to your mind and body’s needs.

Begin your journey with a visit to the Mindfulness Toolkit where you’ll discover resources, tip sheets, applications, audio lessons and more. Mindfulness exercises, such deep breathing or a body scan, only take 10-15 minutes and can easily be incorporated into your daily routine.

By taking a few moments to each day to re-center, you’ll find yourself becoming less stressed and more productive over time.

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