Are You Feeling COVID-19 Fatigue?

Are You Feeling COVID-19 Fatigue?

After a long year filled with pandemic-related worries and precautions, experts have identified a new mental health phenomenon: COVID-19 fatigue.

When the brain experiences uncertainty, it activates a “fight or flight” response in the body’s nervous system. Months of being in this constant state of alert takes a toll. Some of the mental, emotional and physical symptoms to watch for include:

  • Exhaustion

  • Constant worrying or anxiety

  • Feeling overwhelmed, sad or helpless

  • Inability to finish daily tasks

  • Increased irritability

  • Reduced work performance

  • Distraction

  • Not wanting to get up in the morning

  • Insolating yourself from others

Your emotional wellbeing has never been more important. Visit Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19 for tools, routines and tips you can use to care for your mind and body. The Mental Health First Aid toolkit contains additional resources all located in a single, easy-to-navigate website.

If you are feeling the effects of COVID-19 fatigue, discuss this with your primary care provider. Your employee assistance program (EAP) or member assistance program (MAP) may also provide mental health support, such as counseling or self-guided services.

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