Love Your Pet Day

Whether you’re a cat lover, a dog fanatic, a hedgehog enthusiast or a python person – it doesn’t matter on a day like today! Every year, February 20 is celebrated as “National Love Your Pet Day” even though pet owners everywhere would argue that they celebrate this holiday every day, 365 days a year. While we all love our pets, did you know that your furry (or scaly) friends are actually helping your overall health? Here are some ways that owing a pet helps you:

  • Fights off depression: Just simply owning a pet has been shown in some studies to help lower the chance of suffering depression. They also can help you fight off your stress and reduce anxiety. Simply petting a furry friend releases those feel good chemicals in your brain – serotonin and dopamine.

  • Make new friends: Having a pet that needs to go out on walks is a great way to meet other people and boost your social interactions. Take your pup to the dog park and strike up a conversation with fellow dog owners. Not only will your pet have a great time, but you may also make a new friend.

  • Helps your heart and your gut: Taking your pet on those walks is also a great way to help your heart health. Walking typically increases your heart rate to around 110-120 beats per minute, depending on your pace and body type. That can come out to be anywhere from 90 to 200 calories in just 30 minutes! Not only that, but pets can help lower your cholesterol levels.

  • Helps childhood development: It’s been shown that young children can build stronger, better relationships when growing up if they are emotionally attached to a pet at a young age.

  • Companionship: Individuals who live alone or are elderly can benefit from just the companionship of their furry friends.

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