How To Become A Mindful Snacker

How To Become A Mindful Snacker

Mindless snacking can be caused by boredom, loneliness, stress, or being unprepared for hunger. The best way to overcome mindless snacking - you guessed it - is mindful snacking. This focuses on being aware of how we eat, how much we eat, and why we feel like eating.

Here are some snack ideas that will help you to snack mindfully -

Be strategic. Stock your pantry and fridge with nutrient-dense options like raw nuts, fresh and dried fruits, and nut butters. When they're in sight and accessible, you're more likely to reach for them.

Listen to your body. If hunger strikes, try drinking some water first. If you're dehydrated, your hunger should fade, but if it persists, it's probably time to have a snack. It's important to snack only when you're truly hungry.

Reduce distractions. Think about when you usually snack - are you watching TV or scrolling through social media? Snacking usually accompanies other activities, so step away from whatever you're doing and give your food your undivided attention. You'll be more in tune with how much you're enjoying your food and be more aware of when you become full.

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