When To Take A Mental Health Day

When To Take A Mental Health Day

We all feel mentally overwhelmed sometimes, but when it happens the night before or morning of a workday and it feels debilitating, youmay need to decide if taking a mental health day is called for. So how do you if you need a mental health day, or if your situation requires more serious attention?

When to take a day off.
It comes down to what's causing it. If you suffer from anxiety, skipping a day of work may not always be helpful. On the other hand, if you're struggling with a sudden traumatic crisis or something that's overwhelming you right now, a mental health day might be a good break for you to get a handle on things.

What to do to help you cope.
Using your mental health day to binge watch your favorite Netflix series might be tempting, but using this time wisely is critical. Try to identify the reason you're feeling "off", then make a point to address it. For example, if you're only getting a few hours of sleep every night and you're a mess because of it, use the time to help yourself recuperate.

How to stay mentally healthy.
Even the most ambitious and productive people need time away from work. And if you truly feel like you can't take a day off, then it's even more important to practice self-care. Try getting into an exercise regime. Regular exercise has been shown to decrease anxiety and improve mood. Practicing mindful meditation for 15 minutes per day has also been shown to improve focus and help people manage stress better.

When you need more than a day to heal.
Unlike a temporary stressor that may be resolved in a day, ongoing issues will take time and may require professional help to address. If you consistently want to stay home on account of how you feel, see a therapist who can help you understand what the cause is and develop a healthy coping skills that don't involve skipping out on work.

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