Psychology Of Spring Cleaning

For some people, cleaning is a dreaded chore that’s put off or avoided all together. For others, cleaning has soothing effects similar to meditation. According to Psychologists, there could be a few explanations for why cleaning lowers levels of stress and anxiety.

  • Clutter can be overwhelming. Many people don’t like looking at messes because they are a reminder of tasks that need to be done.

  • It is frustrating living in a messy space. Keeping things neat makes it easier to find objects when they’re needed.

  • Messes are distracting. Clutter makes it more difficult to focus on a specific task.

  • Moving in repetitive ways is a coping mechanism. People sometimes turn to rituals, including cleaning, to reduce stress stemming from other parts of their lives.

  • Humans like to be in control. From an evolutionary standpoint, people feel safe when their environment is organized. If our living space is chaotic or unpredictable, we are likely to feel more anxious.

People who clean to reduce stress and anxiety tend to be more conscientious and detail oriented. If simply tidying up makes you feel more calm, or the sight of a clean home eases your mind, you likely fall into the category of people who psychologically benefit from cleaning.

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