School-Related Anxiety 

As a student, getting through hard times isn’t easy. From bullying and harassment to drug and alcohol use and more, you never know what someone could be going through. From cyber-bullying, test-taking stress, losing friends and more, school can be a difficult time for many students. If you or a student in your life is struggling with school-related anxiety, check out the tips below to help cope and build resilience. 

  • Prepare well. Anxiety can come from unfamiliarity. To ease stress and reduce uncertainty, it’s important to plan well so you know what to expect on the first day of school. Consider attending orientation to get a better understanding of where classes are. Try taking the route to and from school before school starts so that you don’t feel rushed for time.  

  • Craft a schedule. It can be hard to keep track of everything happening during the school year, which is why it’s important to create a schedule. Using a planner or setting reminders to keep track of conferences, events, etc. can help ease anxiety and help you stay more organized. 

  • Practice self-care. The stressors of school can seem impossible to overcome. With large amounts of homework, after school activities and social gatherings, it can be easy to forget that you matter too. Consider practicing self-care habits at the end of each day. For example, before going to bed, try taking a nice warm bath while listening to your favorite music. This can reduce worries and prepare you for the next day. 

  • Look for extracurricular activities. Making new friends can be hard. Whether you’re a new student or a returning one, it can seem like others are set in their own groups. This makes it difficult for some students to fit in when all they want to do is meet new people. Try exploring clubs that your school has to offer. Whether you’re into sports, music or reading, there’s something out there for you. Finding others with similar interests can create a sense of comfort and belonging. 

  • Seek support. If you’re feeling scared or unsure about the upcoming school year, talk about it. It can be difficult to tackle a new school year, especially when you don’t know anyone. For example, when you or a student in your life is experiencing bullying or harassment, talk to someone you trust. Having a strong support system can boost confidence and make you feel more at ease. 

A new school year gives you or your student the chance to start fresh. With the right amount of support, effort and perseverance, students can enter the academic year with fearlessness. 

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