5 Tips to Developing a Wellness Routine with Small Habits that Stick

5 Tips to Developing a Wellness Routine with Small Habits that Stick

The beginning of the year can come with a mix of emotions. You may have ended the last few weeks feeling overwhelmed, tired, or constantly frazzled by your to-do list. At the same time, you may have felt thankful for the magic that the season often brings. No matter what you felt, you were most likely chasing opportunities to maintain some kind of wellness routine.

Developing and maintaining a wellness routine requires that we create space to cultivate healthy habits. Make a wellness routine going into the new year that is just for you. Here are five tips on easy ways to create habits that will stick throughout the year and beyond:

1.     Sleep is Imperative

Sufficient rest equates to reduced stress and risk of chronic diseases, boosts immunity, and helps manage weight and energy. Remain diligent with your sleep schedule by aiming to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Keep your phone out of reach and make your bedroom a comfortable and inviting place for sleep.

2.     Morning Mindfulness

Set the tone for the rest of your day by promoting healthy behaviors. Dedicate the first few minutes of your day to checking in and reflecting on your daily intentions and shift from feeling rushed to relaxed. Clear your head, care for your well-being, and boost your mood.

3.     Hydrate

One of the easiest ways to lead a healthier life is to drink more water. Make a conscious effort to stay hydrated as part of your ongoing wellness routine by getting creative. Carry a fun reusable water bottle that encourages you to drink more, set timers or alarms to remind you to take sips, and incorporate foods into your diet that are high in water content.

4.     Replace Screen Time with Physical Activity

Consider replacing some of that mindless scrolling with physical activity. It doesn’t have to be a hardcore workout, something as simple as a five-minute dance break in between chores, a morning walk around the block before starting your day, or stretching during your lunch break can reap big rewards.

5.     Be Specific

Set manageable goals, document your habits, and track your successes. Holding yourself accountable by detailing your wellness routine can help make your habit stick. Outline your specific objectives, calendar your routines (examples: 8 AM meditation, 12:30 PM stretch break), and follow your progress.

Individually, all these small habits can add up to a much larger successful wellness routine. Stacking some of these habits on top of each other can help maintain a healthier lifestyle.

In pursuit of habit formation and establishing a wellness routine, setting small achievable goals can lay the foundation for healthy, sustainable living. No matter what the habit, make it enjoyable so you are more likely to maintain it and remain consistent. Solid repetition will eventually lead to routines that become second nature.

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