Using Music to Reduce Anxiety 

Using Music to Reduce Anxiety 

Whether you enjoy pop, hip-hop, rap, country or a different genre, music can be a source of calm and inspiration for anyone.  Whether you’re feeling down or just want to dance to your favorite song, music can help boost your mood and get you through the day. Read on to find out the different ways in which music can ease anxiety, and consider these tips the next time you listen to your favorite artist. 

  • It can boost your mood. Studies show that listening to music increases dopamine, a chemical in the body that releases feelings of happiness and pleasure. Feeling down? Put on an upbeat tune to increase your energy.  

  • It can form connections. Listening to your favorite sounds or meaningful lyrics can form connections. For example, when you’re feeling down or dealing with something hard, you can turn on an artist or song that relates to your current situation. You could also find others who like similar music, which can lead to friendships.  

  • It can improve health. Feeling anxious can lead to bigger mental health issues like high blood pressure. Studies show that listening to calming sounds or classical music can reduce stress and hypertension as well as reduce depression by 26 percent. 

  • It can enhance creativity. Studies show that listening to music can foster creative thinking. For example, listening to a song with meaningful lyrics can inspire you to create your own playlist with your favorite songs. You might feel more inspired to write your own songs, pick up an instrument or simply dance to the beat.  

  • It can increase productivity. Silence can be uncomfortable and sometimes even deafening. It can also cause anxious thoughts to intrude and make it difficult to complete tasks. However, listening to your favorite sounds or songs can motivate you to do your best and help you stay more focused. 

Music is universal and no matter how you listen or what you listen to, it can provide therapeutic effects.  So, what are you waiting for? Turn on your favorite song and relax! 

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