Quick Mindfulness Meditation

Quick Mindfulness Meditation

Studies show that mindfulness meditations can be an effective way to manage stress. A mindfulness meditation is an exercise that helps you cultivate awareness of the mind and body, reduce ruminations and focus on the present moment. By providing your mind with a temporary break, these types of meditations allow you to slow down, breathe and gain a wider perspective.

The regular practice of mindfulness meditation has benefits for your physical health, as well as your emotional health. You don’t have to be an expert, and you only need to set aside a few minutes of your day to start practicing meditation and reducing stress. For a quick, simple mindfulness meditation, try the exercise below.

  1. Find somewhere comfortable to sit or lay down without any nearby distractions.

  2. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, taking a few deep breaths. Notice the feeling of the air entering and exiting your lungs and abdomen.

  3. If a thought enters your mind, simply notice it and let it go. Try not to judge your thoughts. If you find yourself becoming distracted, draw your attention back to your breath.

  4. Expand your focus from your breathing to the rest of your senses. Notice the sensation of the air around you. What sounds do you hear? What smells? Simply notice without making judgements.

  5. When you feel ready and relaxed, open your eyes.

Use this meditation as a chance to clear your mind and add some calm to your day. For more meditation tips and exercises like this one, visit the Meditation Toolkit.


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