In the Moment Stress Relief

In the Moment Stress Relief

Unwanted stress can pay you a visit anytime, anywhere. Even if you practice healthy stress-management habits such as regular exercise or meditation, sometimes you need instant stress relief. Whether you’re about to interview for a job, take a test or feel frustrated by a work or home project, you can reduce stress with these fast-acting tips.

  • Check in with your breathing. Relaxing breathing techniques can not only calm your brain and relax your body in just a few moments but also benefits your overall mental and physical health. Try breathing deeply through your nose until you feel your chest expand. Hold your breath for three to five seconds then slowly exhale through the mouth.

  • Explore your senses. Effective stress relief exercises can be done anywhere and are easy to learn. Focusing on your senses can help ground you in the moment and distract from stressors. Try noting and describing a few items you see around you. What do they look like? Can you touch, smell or hear them? These sensory exercises are one part of a technique called mindfulness, which you can learn more about by visiting the Mindfulness Toolkit.

  • Engage in self-care. Do you have a favorite, relaxing hobby such as cooking, reading or listening to music? If you’re feeling stressed, try engaging in an enjoyable activity to boost your mood. Be careful not to procrastinate if you have deadlines, but taking a short hiatus from whatever is causing you stress can help you recenter.

  • Take a break. It’s okay to stop what you’re doing for a moment to reset and relax. Go for a short walk, stretch for a few moments or watch a quick, entertaining video. Incorporating regular breaks into your day will help you stay refreshed and energized.

It can be challenging to remember some of these tools during periods of high stress. However, starting small and practicing some of these techniques even when you’re not stressed can improve your wellbeing in both the short and long-term.

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