Start Your Holiday Planning

Start Your Holiday Planning

As the 2021 holiday season approaches, and you begin filling your calendar with dinner or travel plans, anticipation might begin feeling more like stress. Planning early for these busy months will help your holidays go smoothly. Organize your holiday activities with ease by following some of the tips below.

  1. Brainstorm. Will you stay in more this year or go out? Do you plan on traveling or making a cozy meal at home? Narrow down what is important to you so you can avoid overcommitting.

  2. Research. Once you have an idea of what you want to do, start researching. Set alerts on flights, search for decorations, explore recipes and check availability with friends and family. Knowing how much food you need to buy, mapping your travel schedule or calendaring seasonal events will help prevent a last-minute scramble.

  3. Budget. In the midst of holiday excitement, you don’t want financial stress bogging you down. Decide how much you want to spend on each category such as gifts, travel and activities.

  4. Make a timeline. Using whichever method of organization you prefer, make a calendar or timeline of your holiday events. This will help you keep track of obligations and avoid double-booking yourself.

  5. Stay flexible. Even the best plans sometimes fall through. Having backup ideas can help reduce stress in case of cancelled festivities. Know that it’s okay if you can't achieve all of your holiday goals.

  6. Don’t forget to rest. Trying to check off every item on your holiday to-do list without time for yourself is a recipe for holiday burnout. Build self-care and relaxation into your schedule. You might find that by resting more, you have more energy for enjoying your favorite seasonal activities.

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