Not Feeling Fulfilled?

Not Feeling Fulfilled?

The feeling of be fulfilled is something many people strive to find. That feeling fuels our sense of purpose in our life. Fulfilled is an adjective. According to Merriam Webster it means satisfied or happy because of fully developing one's abilities or character. It can be confusing when we feel like our life is in order and we have achieved our goals, but we can’t say we are fulfilled. It is unique to all of us. Something we only know internally.

Experts have shared some strategies and tips to help us find the answer. One key strategy is reflecting on your time. It could also be called the “If I won the lottery” question. If you won the lottery and you did not need a paycheck, what would you do with your time each day? Who would you spend it with? What would you do? What would you want to be involved in? Consider these answers. They are telling you something. How can you begin exploring ways to add an element of them into your life? While you may not have all day to dedicate, in what capacity can you be involved in those intentions that are close to your heart?

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