Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind

Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind

The health of the brain and the gut are dependent on each other. It is important to make sure we are doing all we can to keep our minds and gut healthy so that we do not suffer physically, mentally or emotionally. The first step is to build a healthy relationship with our bodies and listen to any positive feedback or negative cues that it gives us. This can help us learn what we need to do to strengthen the communication with and within ourselves.

Eat nutrient rich food. We should focus on providing our bodies with the nutrients they need to thrive. Our diets should include whole grains, leafy greens and other colorful vegetables, beans, nuts, and berries, as well as other nutrient rich fruits, fish and healthy fats like olive oil. Unsaturated fats including omega 3 fatty acids are necessary for normal functioning throughout your brain and nervous system. These foods can also help support the gut microbiome and mental well-being.

Avoid negative nutrients. Limit the amount of processed foods, refined sugar and grains, alcohol and saturated fats from fatty meats, butter, cheese or fried food.

Allow time to relax. Rushing through the day, smoking, excessive drinking, not getting enough sleep and a sedentary lifestyle are all activities that can encourage a disconnect in the body, especially between the gut and the brain.

Incorporate stress management techniques. The vagus nerve is the communication channel between the brain and the gut. It also is the main contributor to the parasympathetic nervous system, which reduces stress and anxiety. Strengthening it can help improve gut function, build a healthy immune system, manage chronic diseases and treat mood or behavior disorders. The following tips will help make the activity of this nerve stronger and strengthen the gut-brain connection:

  • Singing or humming

  • Brief exposure to cold, like washing your face with cold water or taking a cold shower

  • Deep breathing exercises

  • Yoga, stretching or other exercise

  • Meditation and mindfulness

  • Massage

  • Getting enough sleep

  • Socializing and laughing

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