Simple Changes That Help Your Body Burn Fat

Simple Changes That Help Your Body Burn Fat

There are many simple tricks you can implement in your daily life to help you burn more fat - all without the crazy diet, weight loss pills, nonstop workouts or overly restrictive eating!

Drink more water. You lose weight through eating, sweating and breathing, so it is necessary to be adequately hydrated. Plus, drinking eight glasses of water each day can burn close to 20,000 extra calories per year.

Don't fear fat. By limiting your carbohydrate intake and upping your healthy fats, you'll turn your body into a fat-burner. You will train your metabolism to move away from relying on glucose for fuel, and instead, your body will turn to its fat storage for energy.

Eat more spicy foods. Spicy foods such as chili peppers can contain a compound known as capsaicin, which has been shown to speed up metabolism and burn fat.

Add in a probiotic. Your gut controls almost every aspect of your health, including your weight. Research has linked a lower microbiome diversity to being overweight, and people who struggle with weight loss are more likely to have higher amounts of bad bacteria. Fortunately, fermented foods and a probiotic with bifidobacteria, enterococcus, and lactobacillus has been shown to positively affect the microbiome.

Try strength training. Muscle burns more energy than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn - when you're sitting still! Strength training can also improve resting metabolic rate, which boosts metabolism.

Limit alcohol consumption. Every time you drink, your body has to metabolize it by filtering it through the liver, causing your metabolism to slow down since it is taking energy away from metabolizing fats and sugars.

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