How Much Should You Exercise To Maintain Weight Loss?

How Much Should You Exercise To Maintain Weight Loss?

Overexercising releases two key hormones: CRH and cortisol. And both are related to the stress response. CRH increases the permeability of the intestinal wall as well as the permeability of the lungs, skin, and blood-brain barrier. Cortisol levels rise with rigorous exercise, such as running, which may cause too much wear and tear and accelerate the aging process. Plus, high cortisol reduces gut mobility, blocks digestion, hinders blood flow to the gut, and lessens mucus production (an important immune function). Moral of the story - overexercising isn't doing you any favors in the long run.

Alternatively, inactivity and sitting too much are obviously not good for you either. Sitting too much increases your risk of diabetes and heart disease, and makes your hip flexors tight, contributing to low back pain and stiffness. When you don't exercise enough, it can harm your immune system, reduce your stress resilience, and disrupt your sleep cycle.

Moderation is what provides the greatest longevity benefits. For optimal exercise benefits:
Move less but more often. Aim for bursts of movement that fold into your natural rhythm like a one-minute burst of dancing when you wake up, invest in a standing desk, or perform 10 push-ups after going to the bathroom. The point is to incorporate moments of movement rather than only forced exercise that not enjoyable.

Try burst-training. A few times per week, do an exercise where you focus on muscle bursts. Some examples of this would be a HIIT workout or walking for three minutes at a fast pace then alternating with three minutes at a normal pace. Choose what works for your body!
Get enough sleep. Sleep is so important for your body to produce enough growth hormones and repair itself after a workout. It also cleanses toxins and rejuvenates our cells. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night. It's OK to take a quick (20 minute) nap if you're feeling tired, too!

Let your body recover. Scheduling time to recover keeps your hormones in balance and lets your body repair tissues, rebuild muscles, rejuvenate emotionally and psychologically, and helps prevent injury.

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