Reasons To Avoid All Soda (Including Diet Soda)

Reasons To Avoid All Soda (Including Diet Soda)

Here are reasons to avoid drinking soda:

You're depriving yourself of essential nutrients.
People who drink sodas instead of healthy beverages (think low-fat milk and pure fruit juice) are less likely to get adequate vitamin A, calcium, and magnesium. What’s more, soda contains phosphoric acid, which depletes calcium and magnesium—two nutrients help keep your immunity operating at peak efficiency.

You're more likely to develop diabetes.
Sodas containing high-fructose corn syrup can also lead to a higher production of free radicals, which have been linked to tissue damage, the development of diabetes, and diabetic complications. 

The bottle itself is damaging.
Plastic soda (and water) bottles contain a toxic chemical called bisphenol A (BPA) that can leach from bottles into soda…into you. Emerging evidence links BPA to a variety of health issues, including damaging your immune system.

Weight gain.
Diet soda actually contributes to weight gain. Any sweet taste signals body cells to store fat and carbohydrates, which makes you feel hungrier. These sweet tastes also promote insulin release, which blocks your body's ability to burn fat. Hence, the weight gain.

There is so much sugar.
One can of regular soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. When you feed your body that much sugar in liquid form, it makes your blood sugar spike and causes an insulin reaction in the body. So, regularly drinking soda can eventually lead to weight gain, diabetes, insulin resistance, and other health problems.

It contains phosphoric acid.
Phosphoric acid hinders the body's ability to absorb calcium naturally. The consequences of not getting enough calcium are bone softening, osteoporosis, and dental cavities.

It can lead to dehydration.
Because of its high levels of sugar, sodium, and caffeine, soda can lead to dehydration.

It's damaging your teeth.
Drinking soda regularly can cause plaque to build up on your teeth, which can lead to cavities and gum disease.

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