The Psychology Of Spring Cleaning

The Psychology Of Spring Cleaning

Even if you don't like cleaning, you have to admit its positive effects: improved mood, decreased stress and even heightened creativity.

Why does clutter stress us out?
Clutter makes it hard to focus on important thoughts by distracting and over-stimulating us. There's also a correlation between a disorganized space and less physical activity. On the other hand, an organized space is associated with choosing to eat more healthily and being more generous.

Why don’t more of us declutter?
Many of us balk at the time and energy it takes to rifle through our things, deciding what to keep, what to move and what to throw out. We tend to reserve this brainpower for important tasks - or just relaxing!

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to drain your time and energy.
Sometimes an over-ambitious idea of spring cleaning can put people off. So, be easy on yourself! Find out what environment is most productive for you, and how to keep it that way with minimal effort.

It's worth it.
Psychologists note that clients who take charge of cleaning and organizing also take charge of their general health.


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