Tips To Stay Stress-Free (Even During Your Most Exhausting Workdays)

Tips To Stay Stress-Free (Even During Your Most Exhausting Workdays)

Keep your stress levels in check with these tips:

Set yourself up for success the night before.
Eat a healthy dinner. Visualize making it through the day successfully. Release anxiety in whatever way works for you. And get a good night's sleep.

Leave for work early.
Heading into work early means you'll feel less frantic at the beginning of the workday - and that will help you start the day of on a calmer note. Plus, if you went to bed a little earlier the night before, it won't be as hard to leave earlier than your usual time.

Schedule bursts of positivity.
When you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and tired, your brain is going to hone in on negative thoughts. When you observe yourself ruminating on those negative thoughts, spend a few minutes meditating. Use this time to refocus on a more positive frame of mind.

Communicate clearly.
No matter how overwhelmed you feel, take time to communicate clearly with your colleagues and clients. Doing this will reduce the changes of miscommunication, which can lead to work delays or productivity snafus, and it will foster positivity between you and whomever you're talking to.

Work out.
Exercising during the workday can boost productivity, improve work performance and time management, increase resilience when facing work challenges, improve mood, and reduce stress overall. No matter how busy you are, working out is worth it!

Seek support.
Sometimes stress relief is as close as the nearest cubicle. Seek support from coworkers by delegating tasks or asking for help and by briefly venting about your stress to a trusted colleague. If you feel you need confidential support, contact your Employee Assistance Program.

Make plans to recuperate.
Instead of rolling into bed at the end of an exhausting day, figure out how you're going to recharge your batteries over the next few days. Maybe schedule a long lunch tomorrow or plan to hit the gym in the morning. If you're overexerting yourself one day, be sure to balance out your energy levels by scaling back over the next day or so.



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