Clean Your Cell Phone!

Clean Your Cell Phone!

It is estimated that 91% of American adults owns a cell phone and smartphones are in the hands of 56% of American adults. Each square inch of a cell phone contains about 25,000 germs. This is probably the dirtiest object that we come into contact with on a daily basis.

Cell phones are rarely cleaned so the germs and bacteria just continue building up day after day.  According to a professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona, the most common types of germs found on cell phones include E.coli, influenza and MRSA.

These germs and bacteria's end up on the hands of the users and can easily enter the eyes, nose or mouth and make their way into the body. 

It is clear that routine and regular cleaning of our cell phones is important for our health and to decrease infection! Click here for tips on cleaning your phone safely.

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