Wellbeing Place

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Fighting the February Blues

You may be thinking now that December and January have passed that your ‘winter blues’ may be over, but unfortunately for many they may just be getting started or hitting their peak. February is that time of year when you’re already 2+ months into winter and still a month or two away from getting back to the “nice weather” you’ve been longing for.

To help get you through this last part of winter, here are a few tips to consider:

  1. Exercise – The winter months are usually that time of year when our physical health might dip a bit. Between holiday parties to heavy, hearty winter meals, exercise isn’t always at the top of our ‘to-do lists’. However, getting some exercise, even just a few times a week, is a great way to fight off those down feelings. Even better, try taking that exercise outside. Bundle up and take a walk around the park, have a snowball fight with some friends or even find a local skating rink! Not only will you have some fun and cheer up, but you’ll get a nice start on getting back into ‘spring-time’ shape.

  2. Find the right diet – You may be surprised, but there are actually 2 ways a proper diet can help you out of the winter-rut. Eating a diet rich in serotonin (that awesome ‘happy’ chemical) is a great way to perk right back up. Some foods that contain natural serotonin are bananas, lettuce, nuts, oats, peas, potatoes, spinach and tomatoes – just to name a few! Incorporating those foods along with a balanced diet can help perk you up and fight off those excess holiday calories you may have had.

  3. Get some sun (when possible) – Vitamin D is an essential need for everyone, no matter where you live. However, as you may be aware, being able to get outside as often as you’d like isn’t always possible when it’s the middle of snowstorm and sub-zero temperatures. To help, try utilizing some Vitamin D supplements into your diet and to help boost your mood.

  4. Don’t resist – This may seem a bit counter-intuitive but changing your overall mindset about winter can be an effective way to combat the blues. Get cozy with a blanket, a warm cup of cocoa or a glass of your favorite adult beverage, relax and enjoy some quality time with your friends and family. Skeptical? Just take a cue from our Scandinavian friends! Called hygge (pronounced as ‘hooga’), it’s known as “time to slow down and enjoy being at home, reflecting, and spending quality time with friends and loved ones.”

  5. Find something to look forward to – Surprisingly enough, having something as simple as a lunch-date with a friend on the weekends can help many people get through the stress and depression of the winter months. Take some time and make some plans to catch up with friends or plan a special weekend getaway to somewhere warm! Doing so can help you stay focused on something positive instead of being miserable. Better yet, this concept can actually work any time of the year when you’re feeling down and want to find something to cheer you up!