Wellbeing Place

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Today Is World Meditation Day!

In our busy lives it's easy to forget to pause and contemplate our own happiness and fulfillment. Whether you're into meditation or not, use this day as a chance to cleanse your mind and add some calm to your day.

Not sure where to get started?

  • Simply find a peaceful spot where you feel relaxed and happy, preferably outdoors. Close your eyes, relax and reflect. Many people find that concentrating on a single sentence helps them to focus and empty their mind, while other people like to play soft music to help block out other background noise.

  • Take a yoga and/or meditation class, create artwork, or garden. These activities allow you to get 'in the zone' and quiet the mind while doing something you enjoy.

  • Download a meditation app, such as Calm, Headspace, or Simply Being.

  • Try a guided meditation on Google Play, iTunes or SoundCloud.

  • Create a mantra. Repeating words over and over again can help you find calm and focus. Choose a word that speaks to you in the moment, such as balanced, empowered, or strong. Whatever you choose, make sure it has meaning.

Take 10 minutes today (and every day) to find a sense of calm. You will likely notice improvements to your mental, emotional and physical health.