Wellbeing Place

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5 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health This Year

At the beginning of the year many of us tend to set lofty New Year's resolutions. However, by now most of those commitments have already taken a back seat to other concerns. Instead of setting unrealistic goals that are hard to stick with, make simple changes you can carry out all year long.

  • Be kind to yourself: Mistakes and setbacks are part of life. When you fall short of expectations, acknowledge what went right and wrong, and make adjustments where necessary. Focus on the positive things you have accomplished instead of what still needs to be done.

  • Meditate: Only ten minutes of meditation a day is enough to notice benefits such as less stress, sharper focus, better mood and improved memory.

  • Immerse yourself in nature: Spending time outside promotes relaxation and reduces cortisol levels, a stress hormone, in your body.

  • Set clear priorities: Write down a list of goals and priorities you want to dedicate your time and energy to. Not only will you have more clarity, a visual list will keep you organized and motivated.

  • Get enough sleep: Sleeping habits and mental health are closely linked. Aim for eight hours of sleep a night to experience enhanced mood, memory, alertness, productivity and creativity.