Use A Bullet Journal To Improve Mental Health

One of the easiest things to track in a bullet journal is behaviors. Some may use a bullet journal to develop healthier habits – like flossing daily, drinking 8 glasses of water a day, or making time for meditation or prayer daily. By monitoring your selected behaviors daily, it’s easy to identify areas for improvement. You can also track your mood, sleep, and fitness with a bullet journal. When you have data about your daily living, you can use it to make improvements.

You can create a bullet journal out of any blank notebook – which means you can carry it with you everywhere! Use a bullet journal to track personal assignments from your therapist and use it as reference in your sessions. When your therapist asks you how your week has been, it’s sometimes tough to view the entire week as whole, as opposed to the most recent thing that happened.

Because your bullet journal is a blank slate – you can change how you track or what you track as needed. You can completely customize your own personal system. If you are working with your therapist out of several different workbooks, compiling all your behaviors and activities into one bullet journal might make keeping track of your daily thoughts easier. This can also serve as a creative outlet – for those who enjoy putting pen to paper, drawing inspirational images or penning motivational quotes within your journal can act as a stress management tool.

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