5 Steps To Your Best Retirement

5 Steps To Your Best Retirement

  1. Define your mission statement. What’s your vision for your retirement? The activities you choose to pursue will boil down to one simple idea – knowing yourself. Understanding your own values, strengths, weaknesses will help you determine what your lifestyle should look like during retirement. Writing a 2-3 sentence mission statement will help you define your goals for retirement and how you choose to spend your time.

  2. Get the Hang of Medicare. With the right choices, Medicare can lower your medical costs by hundreds to thousands of dollars a year. It’s a matter of selecting the right options and resources for you. To get started – do your research! Go to Medicare.gov and search “Getting started with Medicare.” AARP also has a Medicare Q&A Tool on their website. Check out your state health insurance assistance programs to find the agency in your state that provides free one-on-one counseling about Medicare options and resources.

  3. Create a Team. Just like a professional sports team – you need the best players on your team to help you live your best life. Consult your financial professional, attorney, and insurance professionals to make sure you’re doing everything right, for you. It’s not just about planning – but solving problems as well. Unforeseen circumstances arise all the time – when that happens, you want to make sure you have your team on the bench and ready to go!

  4. Select your Location. Will you stay in your current home? Downsize to a condo nearby? Or pack it all up and tour the country in an RV? If you think you’re ready to move – give your location a test drive. Plan a low-key vacation to the area and check out local restaurants, grocery stores, walking paths, and the social scene! Consider what type of location is best for you in terms of maintenance and upkeep.

  5. Live it Up! Now that you’ve crafted your best retirement, enjoy yourself. Whether it’s quiet walks on the beach, cooking classes with a group, or book clubs with a couple of friends – find your passion and live it!

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