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Workout Moves To Boost Your Mood

While doing these exercises, focus on finding deep and continuous breath for even more mood boosting benefits.

  • Swimming. Begin lying on your stomach with your arms extended overhead by your ears. Float your chest up into a long arch. Reach your arms and legs out to lift them off the floor while keeping your belly deepening in and up. Slowly begin to flutter the arms and legs like you are swimming. Inhale for four counts and exhale for four counts. Repeat several times.
  • Leg Twist. Lie on your right side with your arms extended forward on the floor at shoulder height. Slowly draw the left fingers along the right arm and across the collarbone to come in to a twist with your upper body. Let your gaze follow the left arm as it unfurls on to the floor to create a wide-open chest.
  • Scissor Kicks. Start in a chair position with your hands behind your head. Lengthen your head, neck, and shoulders into an abdominal curl. Extend your legs outward to a 45-degree angle, or as low as you can keep your deep core connected and spine in neutral. Keeping the knees straight and the legs turned out, cross your thighs over each other in alternating beats 10 times. Repeat the set three times
  • Pike. Start in a forearm plank. Walk your feet forward, toward your arms, as far as you'd like. Allow your heels to drop to the floor to a deeper calf stretch. Engage your abs to return to a forearm plank. Repeat six times.