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What Does a Healthy Friendship Look Like?

Today is a great day to pause and appreciate the time, kindness and support we receive from - and give to - others. It also gives you a chance to focus your energy on relationships that feel healthy and balanced.

Here are two important questions to ask yourself about your friendships:

  1. Do I feel like my true self around this person?
    A good friend should make you feel comfortable in your own skin. Their advice should be honest and positive to help you grow. If you feel pressure to act, think or speak in ways that don't feel natural, it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate this friendship.

  2. Can this person be their true self around me?
    Just as you care what your friends think about you, your friends care what you think of them. If someone trusts you with their thoughts, they expect you to be open and understanding. Accepting friends for who they are builds strong, lasting friendships. Make sure you're giving the same kindness and support to your friends that you would like to receive in return.