Wellbeing Place

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Be Kind To Yourself

Too often, we tend to think of food and exercise as a codependent relationship. We think of exercise as a way to earn a particular food item, or alternatively, exercise as a punishment for indulging in a particular treat. Well, it's time to change that mindset! Try to re-frame your mindset, think of food as the fuel you need to get through your day, stay healthy, and acheive your goals. When you think of food as fuel, you'll want to nourish your body with fresh, whole foods that will leave you feeling energized and powerful! Now, reconsider the way you think about exercise. Exercise is a celebration of your body and all that it can do! Your healthy body can hike, bike, swim, and climb. When you stop thinking about food and exercise as permissions and punishments, you'll find you naturally discover a more balanced outlook on what healthy means to you. Nurture your body with healthy fuel, and celebrate what your strong body is capable of!