Tips For Saving Money This Year

Tips For Saving Money This Year

The easiest way to save money is to earmark a given amount of money and put it aside each week. The old fashioned way to do this is with cash and an envelope. Or, transfer money online from your checking account to your savings account. If you have extra money available each month, set aside $20 each week and by the end of the year, you will have saved up just over $1,000! If you don't have an extra $20 each week, find it! First, identify impulse or convenience purchases you can eliminate. For example - buying coffee or breakfast each morning, or buying lunch at work each day. Brew your own coffee, eat breakfast before you leave for work (or pack a portable snack to eat during your commute), and bring your lunch to work each day.

Identifying easy ways to carve out some money to set aside for savings can be tough, but keep your eye on the prize! With a couple of small changes, you can build up your savings for an emergency, a special occasion, or just for piece of mind. Once you've saved up $1,000, consider long-term savings plans. Most employers will offer the option to direct deposit your paycheck into two accounts. Determine how much you want to send directly to your savings account, and then request that the balance of your paycheck is deposited into your checking account. Now you're saving money from each paycheck without any effort at all!

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