Wellbeing Place

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How To Conquer Work-Life Balance

Be honest with yourself and others.
Start by taking inventory of the motivations behind all the decisions you make in a day. Did you accept the extra project assignment from your boss because you really want to earn a promotion, or because you were afraid if you admitted you were too busy you would get fired? By getting real with yourself, you'll be able to invite healthy balance into your life, rather than just making decisions out of fear.

Identify your priorities.
If you find yourself wishing for more hours in the day, consider that it might not be more hours you need—but streamlined expectations of how you should be spending them. Make a list of your personal stressors and decide which are priorities and which can get the boot.

Be prepared to dissapoint people.
Once you've created your list and removed some of the stressors, put it into action. And don't apologize for it. Not letting others sway your decisions is one of the keys to maintaining balance. The friends worth having in your life will suport your decisions, even if sometimes that means a less favorable outcome for them. And when it comes to work, disregarding all of your bosses requests in the ame of balance isn't the best plan. But if turning a non-pressing report a few hours late means you can make that mid-day workout that a non-negotiable part of your day, do that. You'll return to work much happier not only from the endorphins, but because you kept your commitment to yourself.