Small Ways To Cut Sugar Out Of Your Diet

Small Ways To Cut Sugar Out Of Your Diet

While natural sugar (fructose and lactose) occurs in fruit and dairy and is good for you, added sugars are processed and have no nutritional value.

Here are some tips to help you decrease your sugar intake:

Read the nutritional label on cereals. Many cereals contain more sugar than you would think. A good rule of thumb when choosing a cereal - make sure the sugar content is not higher than its fiber content.
Avoid candy. This sounds like a no-brainer, but candy is packed with added sugars and has absolutely no nutritional value.
Drink (flavored) water instead of soda. Soda also counts as extra calories. But if you enjoy drinking something fizzy, try seltzer water or sparkling water.
Eat structured meals throughout the day. Eating regular meals helps stabilize your blood sugar level, which helps minimize cravings.
Eat more fruits and veggies. Fruits and vegetables have fiber, keeping you full and can help with weight loss. Plus, fruits have carbs, which give us energy, and fructose (which is a naturally occurring sugar).
Eat plain yogurt with fruit instead of flavored yogurt. While plain yogurt can work wonders for your digestive system, flavored yogurt can actually be hard on your stomach due to all of the added sugars. And if you don't like the taste of plain yogurt, try adding your own fruit!
Drink regular coffee instead flavored coffee. While regular coffee doesn't contain sugar, if you're drinking a latte, chances are that there's sugar in there. Try to add only regular milk to your coffee - other additions like flavored soy milk or flavored creamer up the amount of sugar in your coffee.

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