Making Time For Yourself

Making Time For Yourself

Spending time alone on a regular basis has been shown to reduce heart rate and blood pressure. It can also play an important role in reducing stress, which can in turn enhance the immune system. And how much can you give your family/friends/coworkers if your own energy banks are depleted? Making time to take care of yourself will help ensure you can provide others with the quality care they deserve.

Taking care of yourself doesn't have to be a big production. To get you started, here are some suggestions to create some ‘me’ time:

  • Take a bath. Adding candles and soft music can make a half hour seem like a luxurious getaway.
  • Read a good book. When was the last time you read something just for fun?
  • Go for a walk. Visit a favorite park, or just stroll around the block.
  • Make a creative project. There's probably a project you've put on hold for “someday” when you have time. Make the time.
  • Get some exercise. Not only is exercise good for you, but it helps relieve stress.
  • Make an appointment at a spa. Go ahead and pamper yourself!

By putting a little energy into caring for yourself, chances are you'll have more energy for everyone else - and everything else - that’s on your list.

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