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Tips & Tools To Help Your Mental Health Thrive

Nearly 1 in 4 people in America suffers from a mental health disorder every year. Life changes, such as with the current pandemic and social distancing orders, have caused many to develop anxiety, fear or depression. In recognition of this, we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month during May and reinforce this year’s theme of ‘Tools 2 Thrive.’ To help bring awareness to mental health, here are some tips and practical resources available to help improve your overall mental wellbeing:


  1. Expand your Support – One of the best ways to work on improving your personal mental health is making sure you have a caring and understanding support group around you. Your support group can consist of anyone from family members, roommates, friends or coworkers. Not only can your support group be there to help you during your times of need but take it a step further and help each other during such times of uncertainty and stress.

  2. Discuss Mental Health Issues – Opening the conversation with friends and family about how to find the right information and resources about mental health helps reduce the stigma for those who want access to care when they need it.  

  3. Take a Break – Taking a break can mean taking a vacation, taking time for a quick exercise routine or just simply shutting down the computer. Taking time away from the hustle and bustle of daily responsibilities can help you readjust and recharge for a better mindset and overall wellbeing.

  4. Take Care of Yourself Physically – Like taking breaks, taking the time during your day to do physical activity is actually a great way to boost your mental health! Just 20-30 minutes of exercise, such as pushups, sit ups, taking a walk, biking or even dancing can help you de-stress. This is all thanks to those endorphins released into your body when you are active.


  1. The Mental Health First Aid Toolkit - www.mhfirstaid.tools
    Empower yourself to develop skills to help identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses through trip sheets, flash courses, helpful apps and more.

  2. The Mindfulness Toolkit - www.mindfulness.tools
    Being a more mindful person can help you become more aware of life around you, your feelings, your thoughts and how you perceive them. Audio lessons, tip sheets and other resources are available in the Mindfulness Toolkit to help you navigate through distractions and to live fully in the present moment. 

  3. The Meditation Toolkit - www.meditate.tools
    Boost your self-confidence, empathy, compassion and patience by practicing mindful meditation at the start of each day.

  4. The Resiliency Toolkit - www.resiliency.tools
    Resilience is the ability to overcome various challenges in life while becoming a more powerful individual. It is the ability to adapt in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy or stress. Learn how to apply your energy and passion to taking care of yourself and ways to practice resilience throughout your life.