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Stretches To Do At Your Desk

Shoulder-Neck Stretch
Move your chair a foot back from your desk. Place both feet firmly on the floor. Drop your shoulders back; tuck your chin back to avoid straining your neck. Place your right hand under your chair holding the bottom; take your left hand, place on the upper right side of your head.
Gently pull your head towards the left side. Don’t push your head forward to hunch forward, and do not throw off your alignment. Feel the stretch along the side of your neck down through your shoulders. You have two options- hold it based on your threshold for how long you want to feel that stretch until you want to switch, or repeat five times per side.

Forearm Stretch
Moving your chair a foot back from your desk, shoulders down, chin tucked back, hold your right arm out in front of you, palm down, hand facing up. Take your left hand, to slowly bend your fingers all the way down to stretch your forearm. Repeat with the left arm.

Shoulder Rolls
Moving your chair a foot back from your desk, shoulders down, chin tucked back, leaving your arms loose, roll your right shoulder back and allow your arm to move with your shoulder to loosen up. Repeat the left side the same way, and eventually let both roll one after the other, so your muscles do not tighten, but loosen up.

Hip Opener
When we sit for long periods of time, our hip flexors become tight, shortening our torso, because our lower back is not stretched and aligned the way it should be. Move your chair back from your desk, shoulders back, stomach relaxed- move to the front edge of your chair. Bring your right foot across on your left thigh. Push down on your right knee, to feel a stretch in your hip flexor. For balance, hold your foot with your other hand so you can increase your flexibility as you push on your knee. Repeat switching legs.

Feet Arches
Standing up, shoulders back, pelvis tucked under and abdominals relaxed, take both your hands, behind your lower back, just above your buttocks, gently push forward to stretch your lower back. Hold based on your threshold for how long you want to feel the stretch. As you release to come back to standing, slowly bend forward until you feel the stretch towards the floor.

Back Stretch
Standing up, shoulders back, pelvis tucked under and abdominals relaxed, take both your hands, behind your lower back, just above your buttocks, gently push forward to stretch your lower back. Hold based on your threshold for how long you want to feel the stretch. As you release to come back to standing, slowly bend forward until you feel the stretch towards the floor.