Wellbeing Place

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College Eating 101

We have all heard of the dreaded “Freshman 15,” and for some of us, we know firsthand how that goes. With school starting soon and college students heading back to campus life, we made this little list of tips to incorporate into your dining room routine!

·        Drink More Water! Yeah yeah yeah, we all know you hear this all the time. But seriously, folks, it helps! If plain ol’ tap water is too boring, add a cucumber or fruit to mix things up!

·        Healthy Dorm Snacks. Keep your dorm stocked with healthy snack options to keep you energized and healthy! Things like nuts, popcorn, roasted chickpeas, fresh fruits and tuna are great snack options that are tasty and nutritious!

·         Dinner Club! Not everyone lives on campus, and those not eating in the dining hall can also have fun eating healthy! Get a group of friends together and have a weekly dinner club. Each week, prepare healthy meals together and have a fun night in.

·        Try New Things. It’s easy to get into a routine of getting the same meal every day when you’re surrounded by so many options. Try branching out and get some variety in your diet!  

Making little changes in your daily meals will make a huge difference, and hopefully keep healthy and nutritious habits going throughout your 4 years!