Wellbeing Place

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Healthy Holiday Habits

No matter how you celebrate the holidays, prioritizing the health of you and your loved ones can help you make the most of the season. Reflect on what steps you can take to care for your emotional and physical wellbeing by using some of the tips below.

  • Practice self-care. During the holidays, family gatherings and social outings can compete for your time and energy. Whether you indulge in a hot bath or treat yourself to a midday nap, taking care of yourself can help you enjoy your time with loved ones even more.

  • Keep an exercise routine. Moving your body for 30 minutes each day can prevent numerous long-term health complications and improve your state of mind. In between holiday activities, maintaining a workout routine will help you stay on track for your health and fitness goals.

  • Eat a balanced diet. Trying to avoid all desserts or fast food and heavily restricting your calorie intake can backfire and lead to you eating more than you planned. Focus on consuming a balanced diet that includes all the major food groups and some special treats in moderation.

  • Limit alcohol consumption. The festive atmosphere and even social nerves of gatherings can make holiday cocktails tempting. However, drinking may lower self-control, making you more likely to eat and consume beyond what you otherwise would. Enjoy alcohol in moderation and drink a glass of water in between cocktails.

  • Reach out for support. Taking care of your health is an important part of surviving the holidays. If you feel you need additional support, reach out to a mental health professional or your employee assistance program.