Wellbeing Place

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Walking To Lose Weight

It might not seem like the most efficient exercise, but it can help with weight loss, mental health blood pressure, and cardiovascular system. Even a few thousand steps a day can burn hundreds of calories, and it’s easy to add some modifications to your routine to lose weight.

If you are new to exercising and want to see some results, it is recommended to walk at least 45 minutes per day most days of the week. We all know the basic recommendation is to get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day, so to lose weight, you really want to strive for 45 to 60 minutes each day.

It’s also important to mention that walking won’t fix a poor diet. Eating healthy and exercising go hand in hand in order to see results. The easiest rule to follow is avoid eating processed foods.

If you really want to maximize your time spent walking, amp up your routine by changing the terrain. Walking uphill or on an incline on the treadmill increases the intensity and challenge of the walk. You can also introduce some intervals where you change your walking speed for certain lengths of time.

In time, you will start to feel better, look better, and have more energy!