Wellbeing Place

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How To Support Your Immune System For A Second Wave Of COVID-19

Eat a nutrient-dense diet.

Incorporate foods that are good sources of zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin A and lean protein. Take advantage of fall produce and eat more pumpkins, winter squash, seeds, and nuts.

Eat the biggest meal of the day during lunch.

The digestive system is at its strongest in the middle of the day, so eat your biggest meal at that time.

Aim for high-quality sleep.

Prioritizing sleep for seven to eight hours each night has been shown to support a healthy immune system.

Stay active.

Exercise can help support the immune system and manage stress. A brisk walk (safely 6 feet away from others) counts as exercise and is good for just about everyone!

Practice stress management.

The pandemic has heightened stress for people experiencing health-related issues, fear, social isolation, and economic hardships. Be deliberate about incorporating stress management strategies like moderate exercise, journaling, meditation, and spending time in nature. Also, be open to the possibility that you may need help to navigate this stressful period since stress and trauma can depress the immune system.

Manage other underlying health conditions.

People who have underlying health conditions, like diabetes and high blood pressure, may be at a higher risk of illness from COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses. Talk to your doctor and contact your wellness program to discuss strategies for maintaining or improving your health.