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Tips for Better Sleep

Everyone wants to get a good night’s sleep – however for some, that is much easier said than done. An estimated 164 million Americans suffer from sleep troubles at least once a week. According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, without proper rest your body may increase production of stress hormones during the day. Lack of sleep can also hinder your ability to focus, process information and problem solve. It can even kill your creativity.

Good-quality sleep is as important to your wellbeing as nutrition and exercise. While you sleep, your brain is forming the pathways necessary for learning, creating memories and developing new insights. Hormones are being produced that help with muscle mass, infection fighting and cell repair.  

No matter how hectic life may be, embracing the importance of sleep will have a positive impact on your mental and physical wellbeing. Try applying these tips and tricks to help you wake up feeling more refreshed and stress free:

  • Limit known sleep inhibitors: Caffeine, alcohol and nicotine should not be consumed for at least 4 hours before bed.

  • Block all light sources in your sleeping area: This includes windows, lights, clocks and even your phone.

  • Write a ‘to-do’ list for the next day: Planning out tomorrow can help calm your mind so you can fall asleep peacefully.

  • Block out disrupting noises: A ceiling fan or white noise machine can help block out sounds that might disturb sleep.

  • Make your bedroom just for sleep: Remove the television and leave your phone, tablet or laptop in a different room.

  • If you wake up, get up: This may seem counterintuitive, but getting out of bed and reading a book or taking a walk around the house can help you fall back asleep faster rather than staying in bed awake.

For more guidance and resources to help you get your best night’s sleep, visit the Sleep Fitness Toolkit at www.sleepfitness.tools.